Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nice! The big 3-0 :)

I've got lots of fun memories of spending time just us cousins with Nathan and Heath in our early years first in NoVa at Quantico and then in Charlotte/ Raleigh. But one of my most memorable times with Nathan was when he came to Philmont with my Scout troop from Raleigh. It was between freshman and sophomore year of high school (literally half a lifetime ago, if you can believe it!), and my friends and I were definitely in our "we think we're so cool" phase. But not Nathan. He was unabashedly un-cool. We were all suburban white boys sporting do-rags and cut-off t-shirts, and in comes Nathan wearing his purple "Adventure Island" hat and crazy 80's shorts (see Exhibits A and B below). We'd sing various pop songs along the trail, but Nathan didn't know any of them. But what he DID know was all of the lyrics to the Weird Al versions. Every. single. one. EVER. I was mortified for people to know I was related to this guy. The other guys would just look at him like he was crazy. Eventually, we just rolled our eyes. Just Nathan being Nathan...

Of course, now with 15 years perspective, turns out it was all a matter of degrees. I mean, I'm wearing shorts over long johns for crying out loud :)

Happy 30th, Nathan. Couldn't have happened to a cooler guy :)

Happy Birthday, Nathan!

Thanks for the memories like. . .
Shelling with Nicky and driving his boat!
Cooking scrambled eggs, Boy Scout style and catching the plastic bag on fire
The surfboard summer
Sailing in Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill's boat
Going out on the Marine Science Center's discovery boat
Busch Gardens, riding the roller coaster.....
Best of all, the times the phone rings and your voice say, "Hi, Grannie....."
Know you are loved.  Grannie and Grandpa
 Getting a head start on Grannie's piano

[Posted by Jason on behalf of Grannie]

Friday, September 30, 2011

Classing it Up

First off: Happy Birthday, Nathan! I'm a little late getting in here, so I hope I still squeak in before you see the site.

In any case, I thought I'd revisit the last time we spent a birthday together. The occasion was my birthday about five years ago, close to the end of our second year in Tallahassee. That night we'd both had a performance. I think it was Bach's St. John Passion, but I could be wrong. We got back to the apartment tired and somewhat sweaty in our tuxes, but we decided to leave them on as to better celebrate the performance (and my birthday) in style. So here we are, trying to stay classy despite being overheated (and despite the browning bananas in the background):

So, go out and do something fun (faux-classy or not) on this, your big three-oh weekend! I hope our paths will cross again sometime soon, now that we're both old married men.

The Many Roles of Nathan Garris



Jag Fan:
American kid:


Tuba Player/Friend:

Worship Leader:



Adventure Seeker:

Really, that's him!

Griller Extraordinaire/Beer Snob:



You should hear him play sitting up!




Happy Birthday! I love you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Birthday! - Love Ahma

So many memories abound! You were our first grandchild and Granddaddy could hardly wait to dress you in a set of Marine Corps "cammies" as he, Berle's Mom and I got to hold you on that happy day of your birth!

It has been a joy and a delight to watch you grow from that adorable baby into such a handsome, talented young man.

From watching you and Heath in wide-eyed wonder when Santa appeared at your door, to making Christmas cookies with the two of you, playing at the nearby park in Monterrey, making a London Bridge with neighborhood kids there; you, Heath and Brooks as early swimmers in J'ville and helping your Granddaddy harvest veggies in his large garden.

So quickly the time flies and you were all grownup, singing and acting in musicals at Furman, doing Improv, playing sousaphone in the Marching Band, a gifted pianist, guitarist, choir director, composer, dancer, triathlete.

Then in your kind, sweet manner you have gifted me with another lovely granddaughter in Jordan:) I love you both and keep you two in my daily prayers.

Blest be the tie,

Happy B-Day NATE!!!

Wish you were here!
Have a great 30th!

Happy Birthday, from the family band :()

Happy Birthday, Nathan! (common theme here)

So it's that special day! That's write the day of your birth was a score and a half ago! My how I've watched you grow through the years. From being a youth chior director to now, where you're an adult choir director. It feels like only last week I had front row seats to your marriage, but it's already over a year. Hard to believe sometimes. I wish you the best of birthdays and am glad to be able to call you my brother. So, once more, Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy birthday!

Hey Nathan! I hope you and your lovely wife are continuing to thrive! I love seminary, and Lee Road people are keeping me in the loop about what's going on around there. I hope your birthday (and the days leading up to it, and the days following it, too) makes you feel loved and valued, because you are! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Nathan!

Hey Nathan!! Happy birthday, you old geezer. Welcome to the over-30 club! Hope you're well, my friend.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to you, Nathan!

Nathan, I have such great memories of grad school at FSU with you. From joint piano lessons with Dr. Beckman and jamming on guitar to songs by James Taylor, Eric Clapton, and the Beatles, to Saturday morning workouts with Steve, racing the Critter Run 5K in Dothan and cycling home (my first almost-century ride), biking to Torreya State Park and back (my first actual century ride), riding to the St. Mark's lighthouse, and training for and racing Red Hills Triathlon (which you finished in amazing time in spite of a flat tire), your sense of humor and love of adventure helped make life fun. I also had the pleasure of hearing your excitement when you first met Jordan and getting to support the two of you on your wedding day, and I am so glad that you and Jordan were able to make the trip to Tallahassee for my wedding this summer. I hope we can see each other soon and catch up but in the mean time, I wish you a very happy 30th birthday! Live it up and have fun! Love, Liv
Happy Birthday Nephew! From all the Fuller/Phillips clan in Charlotte! We'll be thinking about you as you turn old. More, we'll be thinking about how old this makes us feel! I still remember shot putting you, Heath, and Brooks in the Jacksonville swimming pool. Have a wonderful birthday. We'll see you very soon!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

I must say how much I absolutely loved singing with you, Nathan, that one week at church. You with your guitar and voice, me with just my voice...I know the congregation appreciated our song, and I know that we both sang a beautiful praise to God that day. You brought so much calmness and serenity into my crazy-busy Furman life each week in the choir room, in the sanctuary, and in our conversations of common craziness and life experiences. I miss your wit and grace, but know you are continuing an excellent life and sharing your love and gifts with those now around you.
Much love and blessings on your birthday!
Elizabeth Gay

Note: Sorry for the pics, just wanted to link to the song. :P

Monday, August 22, 2011

Oh my gosh! Are you finally going to be a real adult! 30 years old. Hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with family, friends, bikes and music. We miss you!

Feliz Cumpleanos Amigo!